WPF DataGrid Practical Examples- CodeProject

WPF DataGrid Practical Examples- CodeProject

Group data by one or more columns either through mouse and touch interactivity in the group drop area or in code behind. Data processing operations like sorting, filtering, grouping, summarizing, and real-time updating are handled efficiently using PLINQ. Often, developers have a need to export DataGrid records into an Excel sheet for reporting purposes. The xamDataGrid, with the support of other classes, can easily be exported into an Excel sheet. Similar to add and update events, there are two delete events that are fired when a record is being deleted in a xamDataGrid. The xamDataGrid has a property, AllowEdit on FieldSettings, that makes xamDataGrid rows editable.

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  • Note also that because the validation error does not relate to an individual property of our business object, none of the DataGrid cells are highlighted.
  • This example demonstrates how to use a DataGrid to perform CRUD operations via binding where the database integration is decoupled via a Data Access Layer (DAL).
  • When a grid is in a table-view layout, the first n columns can be fixed so that they do not scroll with the grid content.
  • While Telerik RadGridView for WPF offers rich UI features, deep customization often requires more code and understanding of the larger ecosystem, making it a bit cumbersome.
  • Load millions of records of data instantly with virtualization enabled.

Learn how to perform case-insensitive string updates in DB2 across different versions handling varied character sets and collations. This example showcases how to retrieve data from multiple tables using a JOIN operation. This is essential for retrieving related data from different tables in a database. This example shows how to update the price of a specific product in the Products table. It’s crucial to include a WHERE clause to specify which record to update, preventing accidental modifications. This example demonstrates how to use a DataGrid to perform CRUD operations via binding where the database integration is decoupled via a Data Access Layer (DAL).

How to Add a WPF Datagrid to Your .NET Application

The settings of a grid and its elements can be persisted and re-applied using the SaveUserSettings and LoadUserSettings methods, respectively. However, these settings can be modified when calling the SaveUserSettings and LoadUserSettings methods. The appearance of a grid when it is printed or exported is determined by the view assigned to a grid’s PrintView property and the theme assigned to the view’s Theme property. The idea to resize all columns the same amount, and overriding the autosizing when the user has resized the column was borrowed from Mike Griffin, read all about his DataGrid.

It also houses two resetting options, one for the width of the columns, one for resetting the auto size behavior of columns that have been sized by the user. The best way to solve this problem is adding debug statements and playing around. We need to find the pattern of the GetMinimumHeight calling mechanism.

We’re going to use C# and ADO.NET to connect to a SQL “Northwind” database. The code snippet listed in Listing 1 is a method that connects to a database and loads data in a DataSet and binds the default view of the first table to the control. Xceed DataGrid for WPF features rich in-place editing with a full complement of flexible, themed, and themable editor controls for all kinds of data types. Provides all the mouse and keyboard interactivity necessary for efficient data entry. Rich printing allows for easy report creation, and exporting lets Excel lovers access the data in that tool if needed. Flexible filtering and powerful sorting capabilities let users find and visualize data quickly, and persist/restore features let them keep their setups.

Real-time updates

When the user edits the Customers data within the DataGrid, the bound in-memory DataTable is updated accordingly. However, these updates are not automatically written back to the database. It is up to the developer to decide when changes to the DataTable are written back to the database depending on the requirements of the application.

All the automated generation of bound controls would certainly help open up WPF to a far wider audience. Probably, one of the most frequent uses of a DataGrid is to provide the user with CRUD functions (create, read, update, delete) for managing a persistent data source. This example describes how to connect a Typed DataSet to the DataGrid in such a way that row modifications, deletions, and insertions are written to the database. The WPF DataGrid control provides an entirely custom context menu to expose the functionality on the user interface.

There is nothing special in there, just the usual application of styles and cut-n-paste control template modification. This element is used to render the sort arrows, and optionally render a thin separator between each header if SeparatorVisibility is set to Visible. The style of the column header can easily be modified via the ColumnHeaderStyle of the DataGrid. However, if you modify the background colour of the column header, you will find that the sort arrows disappear!

Key Features

I will show you how to build a complete data-driven WPF app using Visual Studio 2017, C#, and Infragistics DataGrid control, XamDataGrid. Xceed offers a broad range of software components and tools that appeal to .NET, Windows Forms, WPF, Silverlight and ASP.NET developers for building better applications. Supports multi-level grouping with all the related features, as well as master-detail hierarchy with a single-scrollbar approach for the cleanest user experience.

Step 5: Customize the Columns

When you select a row in the master table, the rows displayed in the details table should change to display only those which relate to the selected master row. The .NET Service Packs provided additional WPF functions including IEditableCollectionView, BindingGroup, and alternating row styles which are all used within the WPF DataGrid. Another small yet very highly welcome feature of SP1 is the Binding.StringFormat which provides a simple mechanism for formatting bound data, as described in this blog post. Manipulate data using the DataPager control to view records in multiple pages. A master-details view (nested grid view) can be represented through nested grids that can be expanded and collapsed. Functionalities like editing, sorting, filtering, and grouping are supported.

While Infragistics’ integrated charting capabilities can be incredibly useful for data visualization, its datagrid falls short when it comes to filtering functionality. The grid supports basic filtering conditions, but its out-of-the-box options are less flexible compared to some competitors. This section provides a tutorial on using the third-party FlexGrid control from MESCIUS for comparison. It requires that you first complete the tutorial above to set up the application and data source. To see the datagrid in action, we https://traderoom.info/displaying-data-in-tables-with-wpf-s-datagrid/ need to set up a sample data source.

The other two properties that we will use in this section are AllowAddNew and AddNewRecordLocation. The xamDataGrid control provides some advanced filtering options. You will see only five columns are loaded in the DataGrid control. Now, we need to add the fields (columns) that we want to show in our xamDataGrid.

The Ultimate UI for WPF product consists 80+ WPF controls and starts at the US $899 with standard support. Xceed DataGrid for WPF can integrate with many existing applications’ look and feel, thanks to the variety of included themes. The Author class looks like Listing 2 that has ID, Name, DOB, BookTitle, and IsMVP members. In WPF, we use XAML to define the UI, which is the best place to define the columns. Once the columns are defined in XAML, you can easily rearrange, remove, and format each one. To begin building a .NET WPF application, you must first install Visual Studio with .NET tools.

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