WPF SQL Server DataGrid: Add Edit Delete
The WPF DataGrid provides auto-sizing options like auto-fit columns based on content, fit all columns within a view port, fill the last column to view port size, etc. Display rows at the top and bottom of the grid with data that is not bound to the ItemsSource. Users can freeze rows and columns at the top, bottom, left, and right positions, similar to in Excel.
Used and trusted by Microsoft in Visual Studio, it boasts the richest feature set with over 185 capabilities. You may fix columns so user can’t resize them by setting the CanUserResizeColumns property to false. The following code snippet sets CanUserResizeColumns properties to false.
Advanced Filtering
Now, let’s add a Button with a click event handler that will be responsible for exporting to Excel. The Excel export functionality is defined in the DataPresenter and related namespaces. You need to import the following namespace in your code before you can export a xamDataGrid in to excel. The following code in Listing is the code behind event handlers where we can write code that will be executed when these events are fired. When adding a new record, the RecordAdding and RecordAdded events are important. Similarly, you can add as many as columns you would like to participate in the sort operation.
Example 6: Handling Transactions
Whether using WPF, ASP.NET, WinForms, HTML5 or Windows 10, DevExpress tools help you build and deliver your best in the shortest time possible. Learn how to efficiently update NULL values in SQL tables using various techniques. This guide covers SQL NULL value update strategies and best practices. Learn how to resolve IBM iSeries database update issues and iDB2Exception errors without altering the connection string’s library list.
Now, you will see all matching records are loaded where ShipName now contains “Bon” in them. That launches the Collections windows where we can set FieldLayouts of various fields. You can see in the bottom of the window, there is an option to add a FieldLayout, move up and down to change a field position, and the Add button to add. Now, to select the columns, select xamDataGrid and press “F4” to open the Properties window. Find the Miscellaneous section, click on the FieldLayouts and click on “…” in Collections dropdown. Now, you can use all of these controls like any other WPF control by dragging and dropping them to a window or simply typing XAML manually.
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In my last article, I demonstrated how to use some of the basic columns functionality. In this Hour 6 part of Mastering WPF DataGrid in a Day series, I will cover some of the advanced functionality of DataGrid columns. Easily get started with the WPF DataGrid using a few simple lines of XAML or C# code example as demonstrated below. Also explore our WPF DataGrid Example that shows you how to render and configure the data grid.
An alternative method for providing data to your controls is through the use of an ObjectDataProvider. This class enables you to instantiate an object within your XAML resources for use as a data source. You can then invoke methods on this class in order to provide data to your controls. This method yields a few extra benefits which are described in Beatriz Stollnitz’s blog.
Row drag and drop
In the docs an example of how to obtain the CurrencyManager is shown. Resolve Hibernate @Formula annotation issues in PostgreSQL causing SQL exceptions. Learn to efficiently combine data from two SQL tables using various techniques including joins and conditional logic.
The buttons are for showing the height calculation still works while adding or filtering the rows in autosizing mode. Implementing robust error handling mechanisms ensures that the application gracefully handles unexpected situations, such as database connection failures or data integrity violations. This involves using try-catch blocks to catch exceptions, logging errors for debugging purposes, and providing informative feedback to the user. The use of transactions guarantees atomicity, ensuring that either all changes are committed or none are, maintaining data consistency.
- The IsReadOnly property is used to make a DataGrid read only.
- Serialize the WPF DataGrid settings to XML format and load back (deserialization) to a data grid using the built-in serialization options.
- Next, we’ll look at the full feature set for a typical C# or VB.NET datagrid and how the features compare between different grid controls.
DataGrid allows you to reorder columns by dragging a column but you may disable this feature by setting the CanUserReorderColumns property to false. The following code snippet sets CanUserReorderColumns properties to false. While Telerik RadGridView for WPF offers rich UI features, deep customization often requires more code and understanding of the larger ecosystem, making it a bit cumbersome. The “search as you type” feature is also less refined, which can be limiting in applications where users need to quickly sift through large datasets. The WPF DataGrid offered a slightly different feature set than the Windows Forms version (the DataGridView). It added grouping and row details, providing a cleaner way to organize data.
Filtering in Xceed DataGrid for WPF
Check out XamDataGrid Designing The Look and Feel help documentation for more details. Now, run the application to view the theme, you can see the “LunaOlive” theme for the xamDataGrid. Select the field type “Field” in the dropdown and click Add button to add the field. Most https://traderoom.info/displaying-data-in-tables-with-wpf-s-datagrid/ of the third-party component vendors are experts in their areas.